Protect and improve the safety and efficiency of your airport projects. Alder Airfield Services provides expert support for contractors, ranging from Resident Project Representatives, Escorting, Flagging, and Barricading to help keep everyone safe.

Prevent costly surface incidents and increase project efficiency

What we do

At Alder Airfield Services, we specialize in supporting your airport airfield projects with flagging, escorting, barricading, and other services that reduce surface incidents while increasing construction site productivity.

Protecting your people

Airport construction teams work in an environment where passenger and cargo jets taxi the airfield. It’s an incredibly exciting place, but it comes with a great responsibility to protect the safety of everyone onsite.

How we work

We partner with some of the largest airports in the world and help construction teams fulfill their projects on time, on budget, without incident.

Our team takes control of access to traveling back and forth from your jobsite to mitigate human error.

And we love what we do.

Get to know Alder Airfield Services

Find out how we can improve your airfield construction project with escorting, flagging, barricading and other quality assurance/quality control support.

Resident Project Representative

Operational and project management support designed for airfield construction projects of all sizes and scopes.


Protect work convoys from surface incidents on taxiways with our trained, certified movement area escorts who will get you onsite safely.


Alder Airfield flaggers monitor ground, tower, and aircraft activity to support escorts and work convoys as they travel the airfield.


Never question where you can and can’t drive on the airfield again. Our barricading services help reduce surface incidents — often by 100%.

Alder Airfield Services is a female-owned business

Meet Ali Munzer, our founder and an emerging female leader in the construction industry.

Ali leads our team of airfield escorts, flaggers, and barricade staff with the basic belief that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. It’s a small act of kindness with big results.

Treating everyone with the utmost respect is a hallmark of our service at Alder Airfield, and we have Ali to thank for that. For us, it’s not just about making everyone smile a little each day, either.

We love our culture here at Alder, and we know you will, too.

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